The Lake
Obviously….hello Lakers! But really, watching the incredible ice sheets form and crack throughout the winter is pretty fascinating.

Hockey season is BACK! Grab a few of your friends and roomies and go to a couple games! They are what our school is known for and what this time of year is all about! A great way to get riled up with all of the Oswego student body is to come cheer on our Lakers in our beautiful hockey arena!

The SUNY Oswego App
The SUNY Oswego App is ammmmaaazzzinngggg. And it is so conveniently located on your phone! The app holds your class schedule, gives you weather updates, lets you know what each dining hall is serving, and more!

FANS Smoothies
If you haven’t been to FANS this semester I highly suggest getting there ASAP! Although it is cold out, their smoothies are so refreshing! If you’re sick of coffee head on down to FANS, located in Marano Campus Center. Also, try their amazing cupcakes!

The Ontario Bagel Shop
Get to class late and skip breakfast? No big deal, go grab a bagel at the Ontario Bagel Shop located in Lanigan Hall!

Oswego State Hoodies – Campus Store
It’s hoodie season! My favorite season. Bundle up in some of our college apparel! There is quite the selection at the College Store located in the middle of campus in Marano Campus Center. The store has sales and deals all the time and everyone looks great in green and gold!

The Geese Migrating
Aren’t we all happy about this? Yeah, they’re cute and all…but…they’re everywhere and so is their poop! Not to mention the squawking at 6 AM each morning. Ya, bye geese, see ya in the Spring!

The Gym
Our school has two gyms available on campus, Cooper, and Glimmerglass. Heading to the gym is a perfect way to work off your stress.

Chicken Patty Day
Of course. The excitement in the air on Campus is real every Chicken Patty Day.

The Cooper Creamery
Cooper’s own little ice cream shop with every topping you can think of! Also, some great flavors, try them all!

Lakeside Dining Hall Chinese Food
Pretty much as good as any Chinese food I have ever tasted. Available every weekday in the Lakeside Dining Hall.

Really Any of Our Dining Halls
We have some really good food here and you will miss it so much when you no longer live on campus. Finding friends with guest swipes is necessary.

Kitchenettes – Located in Each of Our Dorm Buildings
No matter where you live, East or West Campus, Riggs, Johnson, Waterbury, Scales, or Onondaga, each of our dorm building are equipt with kitchenettes. Great for the Holiday baking season!

Facebook SUNY Oswego Accepted Students Page
Where we met and future students will meet new friends and roommates!

Heat in the Dorms
And boy do they crank it up! It is amazing coming in from a blizzard in the Oswego Tundra.

Long Jackets With Big Hoods
As I said before, the Oswego Tundra. The wind is crazy here people. Do not forget to bring back your winter jackets!

Oswego Tundra…need I say more.
Whether you are walking to class or studying in the library, headphones in – world out.

Crossroads Eatery
Looking for a quick bite to eat at any time of day? Crossroads is the place for you! Great breakfast sandwiches and lunches. Great prices – plus – they accept dining dollars! They also carry chicken patties every day! Try one of their cookies, delicious.

GET Food
GET Food is a new way to order food for delivery from Domino’s Pizza, Oswego Sub Shop or Wonzone Calzones. Take the time to create a GET Food account and download the app so you will be ready to start placing orders! This service allows students to use dining dollars to order!

The Blue Route
Getting us from Onondaga to Shineman every day, all day. Amazing in the winter, you do NOT want to miss the bus!

Oswego’s Snow Removal Team
Whoever these people are we thank you so much. Every snowy day, every snowstorm, every time we think our cars won’t survive out in the Daga Parking lot, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

The Compass
Helps a lot with job searching, resumes, and cover letters.

The Center for Experiential Learning
Internships, internships, INTERNSHIPS!

The Writing Center
So helpful when submitting final papers to have an extra eye correct it for you.

The Tutoring Center
Sometimes you just need a little bit of one on one extra help and we are so grateful we have this service available to us.

The Library
Finals….Midterms…Papers…the library offers you a sanctuary to do all types of work. The library is a great place and a lot of students find it to be their second home.

The 24-Hour Room
Believe it or not, a lot of us are procrastinators and wait until the very last minute to do anything. Also finals week, it is PACKED!

Starbucks in the Library
Because we need it.

Hot French Vanilla Cappuccino in Shinemans Fusion Cafe
Very specific, I know, go try it. I promise you won’t be disappointed!