NEVER give up, DETERMINATION…. The reason for my Tattoo

I am a strong believer that you should never give up on the things you love or the things you would like to accomplish. 3 years ago I was tested on my character, since then I now know that I am not a quitter and I am very DETERMINED to achieve all of my goals and prove any one who doubts me wrong. In high school, I was a very well known talented women’s basketball player for Louis D. Brandeis HS in Manhattan, New York. I was ranked amongst the best, that are now in the WNBA and who play overseas basketball. For unfortunate situations, lack of guidance and resources I was not able to play at a D2 school in which I desired. I was one foot in the door from playing for the Central Connecticut University Blue Devils. But because of a lack in financial ability on top of housing confusion I was forced to pave another path in my life, which was to begin a journey attending SUNY Oswego. This wasn’t too much of a disappointment only because I had a very close friend who attended Oswego at the time. So I easily adjusted knowing that I had someone to help me during this drastic change in my life. Being as to I would be 5 hours away from my family for most of the year, having someone to guide me along the way was very important at the time. I was excited about playing college basketball, that meant one step closer to being a better player and increasing my chances for playing ball overseas or something close to that.

One day all that flashed before my eyes when I was informed that I did not make the SUNY Oswego Basketball team. Me?… top ranked girls basketball player in NYC… the one who averaged 18 points her senior yr? This couldn’t be happening to me. I remembered it like it was yesterday…. crystal clear. I slept over my friends house that night and had a meeting with the coach the next morning about who had made the team and who got cut. I walked over to Laker hall at about 8 a.m very nervous and anxious to know whether I was as good as I thought I was. I walked into the office shaking and scared.” you are a great player, we appreciate you trying out this year, but you did not make the team…. BUT please don’t let this discourage you, we would love to have you around. I know how much basketball means to you… Think about being a manager and helping us out. I know the girls would love to have you around because they speak so highly of you” this is what she said…. something along those lines at least. I felt the tears coming on, my heart dropped, all I could say was thank you and I walked out. As soon as I stepped out, the tears ran down my face. I couldn’t stop as I walked back to my friend’s apartment crying my eyes out. I felt like my whole world was destroyed. The one thing I ever loved was taken away from me so quick and I had no say. I reached my friends house went inside n cried, I was so upset, so disappointed, so depressed. Since then everyone who asked me how the try-outs went, I ignored. I didn’t want to tell anyone, I was too ashamed to admit that I didn’t make the team. (I am surprised I am writing about this now, it is still hard for me to talk about but it is a step closer to closure)

After months of not touching a basketball, I finally build up the courage to play again. This time I was never aloud to put the ball down again because no one would let me give up my dreams so easy. It did take a lot of time in order for me to feel like a basketball player again. My family and friends were by my side throughout my journey of self-discovery. While going through this time of struggle I was searching for inspiration. At this time I decided to get a tattoo for my birthday and I knew exactly what I wanted. I knew it had to describe me and had to be something I could look at that had a story behind it. I was determined… determined to play ball again, determined to prove everyone wrong who doubted me like the coach who cut me. There it was, determination in Japanese, in my 2 favorite colors red and black, that is what I got. I took things slow and just played pick up games at lee hall here and there until one day… I was on bridge street with a couple of friends and two of the women’s basketball players came up to me, asked me how I was doing and if I was going to try out for the team the following season. I hesitated and said I wasn’t sure. I don’t think I could handle another let down. They told me I should and that the current coach was leaving and that they were getting a new coach. They told me I would make the team as long as I kept working as hard as I always have and that they don’t understand why I didn’t make the team in the first place. “Everything happens for a reason” and I know now that I had to go through what I did in order to make me a better player and a stronger person.

Now I am grateful for going through it all because now I am better than I was. I have now been playing for the Oswego State Lakers Women’s Basketball team going on 4 yrs. I became stronger, faster and better than I thought I would be and I have continued to push myself into a different player each year. The finish line is far from close but each day I am closer and closer to the BEST player and person I can ever be.

~Ms. 23

Beginning Of My Journey…


Crazy Week, but All Will Be Good

So, the first week of the semester has been pretty crazy, to say the least. Although I don’t want to get into it on here for multiple reasons, my roommate did something on Monday night that made me incredibly uncomfortable, and it was, in fact, so bad that I gave three different reports, one to an R.A., one to the Waterbury Hall Director, and one to a pair of UP Officers, and I moved out of Waterbury. It was very sad, because I loved Waterbury, and I will miss it very, very much. It was a comfortable home for me for my entire sophomore year, a place where I shared a great deal of good times with friends, and I hated having to leave it. I can’t, however, live where he is going to be, so I am living in Mackin now.

So far, I really like Mackin now. My new roommate is really nice, and I like him. I definitely think that this year is going to be pretty good, and I’m looking forward to it, more or less, despite the fact that I am clearly going to be bombarded with work. There is, as always, so much reading, so much writing that has to be done this semester, and looking at all of my syllabi makes me feel so overwhelmed. However, I know that I can do it, and I’m going to do it with flying colors. Last semester, I managed a very good GPA, and I want to do even better this semester. I benefit greatly from taking all Education and English courses, though, because I feel very motivated. I will definitely be writing frequently throughout the semester, updating everyone on how the semester is going.


So I thought it would be a good idea to spend my summer in Oswego. During the summer, it was. I spent time with friends. Went to Six Flags for free(courtesy of SAPB). Had my usuual three jobs all while taking two online classes. My summer was one of the best.

But now that it is over and the regular semester has started. I’m finding it mighty hard to re-adjust. The sun is about to set before 8pm, I have to go to class and listen to professors lecture and all while going to my three jobs. I think having such a good summer doesn’t pay off when you have two weeks to re-adjust back to real life. But then again, who can complain? I mean, I do live in the Village. (Village post to come.)

School is cake compared to working a real job.

I really liked working at Target over the summer. I felt like it meant so much more.
School is really fun as always though, especially because I am living in the VILLAGE, it is pretty sweet. I have just about got everything set up, it takes up a lot more time to set up an apartment as opposed to my regular dorm. I wish we could of moved in another day early, it took me forever to coordinate bathrooms, kitchens and closets with 5 other people. Daga is a bit different because you all just go to the dining hall, it is just so easy. I totally recommend on campus living; all your friends, food and the gym are in the same place! It is amazing!
I had my first karate training today; it is PED 237. I like it a lot but it kicked my butt. The dude who teaches it is insane. He is like gumby on red bull. He flexs all around and then just gets crazy. He knows his stuff. It is quite awesome; I will keep you posted

Magazines, the Power of Print

During my first day of classes, one of my professors made it blatantly clear that she doesn’t believe journalists have any shot at getting a job upon graduation; that journalists are essentially signing up to be poor for the next 10 years. While this professor was semi-accurate about the pay (if you are pursuing journalism thinking you’re going to be a millionaire, I encourage you to change fields now), she was not right about the fact that journalists can’t get a job after graduation.

Unfortunately, it seems as though she has bought into the fallacy that print is dying because the Internet is overtaking all other forms of media. This notion, however, is inaccurate. It’s simply not how media works. People don’t abandon one form of media for another, but rather make room in their lives for the new media outlet while hanging on to the style they already love. So, in the hopes that professors follow this blog, I’m posting these two videos that show proven facts about media and the rising sales of print magazines.

Magazines, the Power of Print

The 20 Tweetable Truths About Magazines

Magazine Publishers of America are also running their “Magazines, the Power of Print” ad campaigns within the print editions of more than 100 titles. These ads are so powerful and they use multiple magazine titles to prove that magazines are thriving rather than disappearing. Yes, some magazines have folded in recent years (R.I.P. Gourmet), but numerous titles have launched and proven themselves successful (Yay, Food Network Magazine!)

I understand that newspapers have taken a slight turn for the worse, but please don’t keep telling students that print is going to be dead soon. It’s simply not true. And I plan on proving this professor wrong by landing a job in the magazine industry soon after I graduate.

Ready or not….here it comes.

Tomorrow is the beginning of my Junior year. Where has the time gone, I feel like just yesterday I was moving into Johnson hall. Unloading way too much on side walk, anxiously awaiting what was next to come. As I drove around in golf carts Friday watching the class of 2014 move in, I remembered it. I remember being home sick, missing my best friends, not knowing where anything was. I remember going to my first class, joining my first club, meeting many different types of new people.

Now I sit here blogging, and organizing my life, before classes even start….I look back at the wonderful experiences I’ve had here. Then I look forward at what is next to come for me. I know I have best friends that I can count on to help me move towards my goals, I have activities I enjoy, and Leadership that will help me move forward and I start to prepare for Grad schools and the “Real world”. But, for now. I’m just getting ready for my first day of classes!

Back to school, what are you looking forward to this year?

Welcome back everyone!

So I moved into my apartment on E. Second. It’s a one-bedroom and pretty nice. The stove is a little wack: aka the flame goes out but the gas keeps on pumping. I think I’m going to replace it with one from home (don’t ask why we have an extra stove).

My second day in my apt by myself I wound up getting a stomach bug. So painful. I couldn’t keep anything down all day yesterday. I think I got it when I was in Arkansas visiting friends this week. The bad thing about living by yourself is that you can’t get anyone to go to the store and get you Pepto. I managed to get some, and I’m feeling better today. Getting ready for school in the morning!

I have to get up at 6 a.m. to get to Cooper Dining by 6:45 a.m. I was gonna ride my bike, so I’m giving myself extra time to see how long it takes me to get to school. I think it’s about 2 miles, so maybe 15-20 min depending on stoplights and traffic.

The thing that I’m most looking forward to tomorrow are my classes. I’m one of those weirdos who loves new classes and going to school. I’m a nerd and love it. I’m so excited for my classes, in particular: international law, mass media and the law, third world politics, and Chinese 101. My other classes: graphic design, choir, and journalism practicum come in at a close second 🙂

So what is everyone else looking forward to this year? Is it hanging out with friends again? Being on your own? If you live in the Village, I bet you’re excited just to be there. That place is AWESOME! I kinda wish I was living there. Good thing I have friends who live there that I can visit. Those things are niiiiiiiiice.

Are there other nerds out there who are looking forward to your new classes? Maybe starting in on your major classes finally after getting all of your gen-eds out of the way? That’s what I like. I’m getting in-depth into my global studies and journalism, which is really exciting.

I bet for some people are looking forward to the parties? You can admit it. I already had some fun Friday night! Just remember that you’re probably going to go out more in the beginning of the semester because once classes start in full swing, you’ll probably be in the library or working on projects late into the night on the weekends.

Let me know what you’re thinking about: what’s the thing you’re most looking forward to this year?~

Dear Summer,

I think its time we end this thing here.

I don’t really know what you would call it a fling, time together , a season. Whatever it is, its over we can’t continue. I’ve got to be honest with you. I told you I was looking forward to you…but I wasn’t. Every Time I looked at the calendar, it wasn’t to our next outing it was pass you. I tried, honest. You got me real excited to go see Drake on his album release date but you member how that turned out. Ughh I shudder remembering that experience. We promised to spend many days in cargo shorts, white tee’s and a Yankee Fitted @ the Stadium. Even made plans to rock my Yankeee fitted to Mets games(so disrespectful) and go to the Shake Shack in the middle of the 7th inning. None of that materialized sadly. We whispered secrets about all the dive bars we would attended and I told my friends that with you around we would go to the best Roof Top Parties unknown to most. Those plans…Never even saw the light of day.

Ok Ok I can’t be dramatic. I still enjoyed your company though. There were my many visits to the Pier(unforgettable) and recently you even showed me the best movie of the year Inception. You helped to recharge my drained batteries giving me a clear head, loose shoulders and relaxation. Let me kick my feet up and tell you how I needed this quiet time away from the fast pace strenuous life I was living. I discovered a favorite show (Anthony Bourdains “No Reservation”) , “BMF” & “MC Hammer” became epic summer anthems, I sang to loud in shower to La Roux’s Bullet Proof. Spain won the world Cup WooooHooo ! Villa baby!Yea looking on back on it we had some good times. I won’t regret them I promise.

Its just that this is a “Its not you its me moment” and I “gotta keep it real”. No Reservations & Entourage are good but Californication and Mad Men are BETTER! That Drake concert seem like it was gone be crazy(actually it still was CRA – ZY) but this Jay & Em thing pffft that looks EPIC! Yankee games in summer are probably good but what’s better than Mariano on the Mound in October!

The Team you ask? Oh well we trading in our NYY’s fitteds for them NYR’s Yaaa-heeaah!  See what I mean? I can’t pretend and continue to go on like this. My Heart is somewhere else , I need to follow it so Goodbye. For now at least..something tells me you’ll be hearing from me again.

Yours Truly,

Kwame Belle

A New Day in the Old Town

Well, this semester is going to be so different from last semester; that’s for sure. Last year was great. I mean, sure, there were a couple of bumps in the road, but for the most part, most of my college memories (the good ones) are going to come from my sophomore year. This year, I’m not so sure. I came in early for Welcoming Crew, and now, I am so tired because I worked from 9 AM to 4 PM helping freshmen and transfers move in to Waterbury. I have to do it again on Sunday, and while taking part in a team effort and putting a smile on people’s faces is great and very rewarding, it is a very demanding job for a volunteer position, and there isn’t exactly justice in it, either. Most of us did the lifting, while a few worked at the tables and handed out mattress pads and cable whips, and I don’t mean to complain about that, but seven hours of manual labor is a big deal, and like I said, I have to do this again on Sunday.

Then, to top it all off, my roommate moved in today, and his mother was a monstrous mess. She came in to the room and yelled at me for having arranged the room the way that I did, claiming that the way that my bed was positioned took up part of his side of the room, which I don’t think it did. It was right about halfway, and if it was taking up his side of the room, it was by an inch or two. Anyway, she was having a fit, telling me that I had no right to do that, that I had no permission, that she was told that I couldn’t do anything with the room until I had talked to my roommate and signed paperwork with him. Last year, my roommate and I set up the room the way that I had it set up (the idea behind it being that it allowed more space in the room), and we didn’t have to sign anything, but she claimed that nothing in the room was allowed to be moved without signed permission.

Then, what I found funny was that when my roommate came back from his car, he couldn’t care less. He didn’t care how the room was set up, but she was on the verge of tears in relation to something that was fixable by my rearranging the room, a relatively simple task. The worst part is that he is twenty-two years old, so she was treating him like a five-year old and treating me like vermin who was bent on eating him. It was just a very upsetting experience that did not have to be that way at all, but what’s done is done. I am seriously considering moving into Riggs, though, not just because of that but because I feel like most of my friends aren’t even in Waterbury, anymore.

Anyway, I had a fantastic summer, and I was very, very sad when it was over; I still am. I’m pretty sure I blogged about my trip to West Virginia, but just in case I didn’t or you didn’t read it, I went to the West Virginia State Penitentiary (no longer in use) to ghost-hunt with my boyfriend, Ray, and it was so much fun. It was adventurous and a good opportunity for me to explore something that fascinates me (I know that we’re going somewhere in Ohio the first week of October). Then, for about the last three weeks of the summer, I lived with Ray, so needless to say, I did not want the summer to end, but I am hoping for a great semester. I just say that I have my doubts because everything seems so different. I miss last year’s roommate and some of the people that used to live in Waterbury but don’t anymore. It all seems like such a big change, but I’m going to do my best to cope if I can’t get into Riggs, which is where most of my friends are.