Gotta Get Free On Friday

Have you ever wanted to speak your mind, scream at the top of your lungs or run around without a care in the world? Yes? Then Free Speech Friday is the place for you. This past friday, Oswego State student Shane Hillman, best known for his megaphone-filled friday afternoons, organized the event, featuring live music, food, games and even magic from Shane himself.

During the event, one could find oneself among an assortment of activities that promoted the idea of the freedom of movement, speech and expression.

Hula-hoops, Twister, and Kan Jam allowed for a freedom of movement, where one could relive their childhood games and let their inhibitions go.  Face painting and the live music of student performers generated the freedom of expression, as well as a positive vibe.

Twisting Their Way to a Fun Time

Just like Friday afternoons in the quad, students were invited to come speak their minds on whatever he or she wanted to talk about. The mood was relaxed and the people were accepting of whatever others wanted to say and also of their ideas.

Just Jammin'

Speaking of ideas, almost every suggestion was fair game. When two girls asked if they could paint a guy’s beard rainbow, he had no hesitations, allowing them to paint the colorful facial hair on his face without worry. This is just one example, but the atmosphere of Hewitt Ballroom that night was just as bright as his beard.

Brighten Up the Beard

The buzz of Free Speech Friday can be attributed to the delicious snacks, including homemade honey popcorn, prepared by Shane. The food was healthy, the music flowing and the smiles a-plenty.

Shane Sharing his Signature Snack

Make sure to check in on Friday afternoons to speak your mind, and chalk your thoughts.

Next week, Thanksgiving! No happenings to be had, but tweet us what you’re thankful for, or maybe a picture of your Thanksgiving dinner!

The Three R’s: Rankings, Rivals and Resumes

Out of all the great events here on the Oswego State campus, which one do people go to the most? Men’s Ice Hockey of course! Casual and diehard fans alike turn out to the arena to support the team, which with the 4-2 win over Geneseo Friday and a 7-1 thrashing of Brockport Saturday night, lifts their record to 5-1 for the year.

But with the games comes so much more than hockey. Sure there will be great goals, spectacular shots and bone-crushing hits, but what makes an Oswego State Men’s Hockey game so unique are the series of chants and traditions that students learn after the very first game.

Lakers and Golden Eagles Standing for National Anthems

Right after the face off, a student will start the ever-famous “Let’s Go Lakers” chant. As all veterans know, this chant is said three times. Once by the person who starts it and twice by the rest of the crowd. Three times. Not four, like so many students believe. The rest of the crowd will be silent and you’ll keep cheering. Not a good start to the game.

And then let the heckling begin. Supporting our own team is great, but talking trash about the other team is pretty great too. Say for instance, the opposing player is penalized and put in the box. During his sad skate to the penalty box, the crowd winds up their fist, ready to yell, “See ya, sit down bitch!” followed by a burst of applause.

Want to hear the worst of it? Ask the opposing goalie after a game. Stuck surrounded by ravenous students for two periods, taunts and insults are flung at him faster than slap shots. After he gives up a goal, a frequent occurrence with the Laker’s dynamic offense, the right side of the arena yells his first name, followed by the left side of the arena yelling his last name, followed by the all-common “you suck.”

The Lakers Dominating the Golden Eagles

During the course of the three periods, he’ll be reminded how the goals were all his fault, how his parents are disappointed in him, and frankly, how his sister can play better than him. Only a goalie knows the true torture of an Oswego State hockey game.

Want more inside scoop on the Laker’s domination over the Golden Eagles and everything else Laker hockey? Check out Mike Kraft’s blog.


While the Lakers build up their record, do you want to help build your resume? Then come this Monday to “Everything Internships with the Intern Queen” at the Campus Center Arena where we’ll welcome Intern Queen Lauren Berger.

While attending University of Central Florida, Berger completed 15 internships, rightfully earning her crown as “Intern Queen.”  She has ruled at several elite companies, including MTV, FOX and NBC.

Berger now helps to connect students to internships of their own, including us here at Oswego State. Come hear the message that over 40,000 students, parents and employers have already heard.

The presentation begins at 6 p.m. and will run roughly an hour. Even better, the event is free!

Want to learn more about her? Check out her Twitter or Facebook.

Halloween Happenings

This past week was National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, which Lifestyles recognized by distributing “It’s Okay Not To Drink” shirts to students and faculty on Wednesday, Oct. 19th.

Alcohol and Other Drug Coordinator Ted Winkworth first got the idea for the shirts from “straightedge hardcore bands from the 90s.”  When Ted went to a concert, he noticed one of the band members sporting an “It’s Okay Not To Drink” shirt and became influenced by what the band member stood for. Over the years, the shirts gained more and more popularity. The T-shirts became a huge hit last year, forcing Lifestyles to increase the number to reach more students.


This past Wednesday, Lifestyles was bombarded with over 500 students who showed up to get a free shirt.  Students had a choice between pink, black, white and tie-dyed shirts, made by the Lifestyles Peer Educators.  Going beyond the simple, “It’s Okay Not To Drink” logo, Lifestyles created an “I’m This Weird All The Time” lime green t-shirt to suggest that students don’t have to drink alcohol to be themselves and be weird.

Lifestyles hands out these shirts once a semester, so make sure to keep track of #ozhappenings to find out when they will be released next!

What else is going on this weekend you ask?

It’s Human vs. Zombies season and how will all those zombies stay in shape? The first Zombie Crawl of course! Participants will rush to the Midtown Plaza between 5-5:45 Saturday evening to get dolled up for the horror that will ensue at six.

The undead walkers will head to Fort Ontario, to East Ninth Street and down Bridge Street, showing their “beauty” to the public. Following the walk, the party will take over at The Raven, where “Eight Wheels of Death” will be screened, as well as other zombie themed activites.

Get there quick before it fills up, or before all the brains are gone.

For more information, check out the event’s Facebook Page.

Not blood-thursty? Eating brains not your thing? Then come to the Her Campus Oswego Prom Night Friday, Oct. 28th! Dress to impress, or dress to scare with your best halloween get-up. Free food, free coffee and prizes are just three of the many reasons you’ll want to turn out.

The dance begins at 8 p.m. in the Hewitt Ballroom. Best part? It’s totally free.

Check out their Facebook Page and The Flier to find out even more about the Prom.

Introducing..Open Mic.

Students at Open Mic

If you take a look around Lake Effect on a Thursday evening around 6, you’ll undoubtedly see students sipping on coffee, tea, lattes, and the like.  There will be students scattered at tables studying or chatting.  Basically, it looks like your conventional cafe.

Check back an hour later and you’ll be lucky if you find a seat.  Thursdays bring Lifestyles’ After Dark Open Mic, but what exactly does that entail?  Every week it’s different.  Each week brings a surprise, but the concept always remains the same: free coffee, free company, free entertainment.  Open Mic lasts from 7-11, gaining momentum as the night wears on.

We always commend the first brave soul to go up to the mic and perform, opening the show for rest of the fearless.  This past Thursday it was a poem.

Open Mic brings an array of acts, ranging from poems, musical acts, comedy and magic. Performers play acoustic guitar, piano, ukuleles, accordion and an array of various instruments brought by Mike Beshures and Dan Cava, who introduce each act.

This past week, societal agitation was discussed, through the use of comedy.  A student discussed his thoughts about derogatory words people use and his thoughts on them.

This is probably, what we would say, is the best part about Open Mic.  Everyone is welcome there, whether you reek talent, or, for lack of better words, don’t.  You will never step away from the mic without a thundering applause from the audience.  Discuss, sing, perform whatever you want, we will accept.

But it is not only performances that draw the large crowds to Open Mic. Free coffee, free food? Is this real life?!  Free coffee is available to any student, as long as they bring their own mug. Free food is available to anyone, mug-

full or not.  This past Thursday they had fruit, the week before brought brownies and cookies, tastefully baked and arranged by Lifestyles’ Peer Educators.

Come to study, perform, make bracelets (yes they provide the string.  Once again, is this real life?!), drink coffee, nap, or mingle with us.  Just come!

Carly Brundige making a bracelet at Open Mic

As always, tweet about your campus events using #ozhappenings and don’t forget to like our facebook page:

Note: Open Mic is cancelled this week (Oct. 20) because of midterms.  See you next Thursday for an always satisfying Lifestyles’ After Dark Open Mic night!

Sam Katz performing at Open Mic


Welcome to Ozhappenings

Finally, the place for every Oswego State event. On-campus, off-campus, no matter where you are, we’re here with you. We’ll give you the event forecast for the week, chock-full of fun events for students and faculty alike.

But this isn’t just us, Jacob Pucci and Erin Marulli, this is for all students. Plus, we are only two people. We can’t do it on our own. So we’re going to call on you for help. If there is a campus event that you want the rest of the school to know about, tweet it using the hashtag #Ozhappenings.

Check out our Facebook page at to find out the latest in campus activity. And don’t forget to tweet your events, big or small, to #Ozhappenings.

Follow Jacob Pucci at!/JacobPucci and Erin Marulli at!/Emarullz.