It’s been such a great month and a half here in Townsville. There are so many fantastic people I have met and made friends with. I was lucky enough to spend my 21st birthday here with all of them and was surprised to find out how fast you can become good friends with people. They all made it such a special day for me, even though I had class for the first time ever on my birthday! We celebrated by going out for gelato, hanging out on the beach and taking a drive to the top of Castle Hill (no drinking seeing as it was a Monday night).

Love these guys!
Other things that have been going on down under:
Townsville’s Cultural Festival: this was filled with food from different countries including, Thai, Greek, Italian, Indian, etc. and several performances by each culture

Drinking Coconut Milk straight from the coconut!
VisitedPallarenda which acted as an old fort base during World War II and walked along the beautiful beach that included the city of Townsville and Magnetic Island in its view


Had a holiday themed floor party that included St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, Australia Day,Cinco de Mayo, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and New Years.

Floor Party: My quad was St. Patrick’s Day
Attended my first touch rugby game as well as my first netball game

Touch Rugby: Uni Hall vs George Roberts Hall
Completed the ice bucket challenge
Completed and handed in my first assignment! (GIS related)

I made this beautiful masterpiece.
Learned how to identify leaf families and have now started to press leaves
Figured out how to get netflix on my computer (it has not come to this country yet) and have made new friends by sharing the wealth
Fed a polychaete
Took a road trip up to Cairns for a weekend and spent it visiting waterfalls, walking through the rainforest, mountain biking and canoeing

Road trippin’ to Cairns

Stopped at the beach on the way to Cairns

Female Cassowary!

The gals.

Cathedral Fig Tree

Milaa Milaa
Saw 3 wild Cassowaries!
Swam under a waterfall
Learned about culture and life in Singapore
Went for a hike up the mountain behind Uni
Have used the word “keen” to show how excited I was for something
Say “oi” on the daily
Held the world’s largest cockroach
Found out cotton candy is called “fairy floss”
Ate my first mandarin
Ate my first scone
Completed all seasons of Breaking Bad
Planned trips to Sydney and Melbourne
Played a few jokes on some of the wonderful Australians here
Painted faces using ochre
I am truly blessed to have all of these wonderful opportunities and couldn’t ask for anything more. Classes are going really well although I find it difficult to want to go to class and do work while I am here. My next assignment is due this Friday but it’s going pretty well so far. I get to use the concepts and ideas of behavioral ecology in the real world by going out into the field and finding examples. It is a lot of fun and a new way to learn material that will be useful in the future. I have not received any grades yet which makes me a little nervous because a majority is based solely on the final exam. I just need to stay on top of the work and I am sure it will all work out. I am still loving every second here and will continue to keep you updated!