New Job & Tornadoes

Its Christmas time and much of last week I dedicated my time to finding a seasonal job around the Dallas area to save up a few $ before I head back to Oswego.  Last March – May I worked  at the Dick’s down in Clay to save up/pay for all my trips this year so I figured I would try my luck at the new Dick’s that just opened a month ago in Allen (5 minutes away!).  When they first called me I was honest about only being in town for 4 weeks and they weren’t to sure temporary is what they wanted.  However, they did a little background check with the Clay store and I guess I was given a great recommendation because I was offered a job the next day.

I definitely lucked out.  A lot of the other places I looked, both small and large businesses, where not hiring seasonal this year or, at the moment, at all.  If anything, most businesses said they were rehiring the college students that had worked there in the summer.  Maybe it also had to do with the economy?  Either way the job market right now appears to be the pits so I wish the best of luck to anyone looking for a seasonal, or even more permanent, job at the moment.

If all else fails you can always go door to door with a rake and leaf blower…well at least down south.  That was my back-up plan.

On a more interesting note.  Last night I woke up to the sound of the Allen tornado sirens.  When I looked out the window I saw large hail and a nicely rotating funnel coming out of a wall cloud…I am not sure whether a tornado completely formed (touched the ground), but the first thought that came to mind was…isn’t it December??

I’ve grown up around extreme weather.  In 1988, an F4 tornado sprouted across from my house in Raleigh, NC.  It was around Thanksgiving time and it did a tremendous amount of damage to the area.  I remember looking out the window and watching the large, dark funnel in the distance which at one point seemed to be headed our way.  Thankfully it changed directions and disappeared over the lake 1/2 a mile down the road.

Hurricane Fran hit Raleigh in September 1996 and my brothers and I missed school for 3 weeks straight.  The main mall at the time, Crabtree Valley, was flooded up to the second level due to the tremendous amount of rainfall.  A friend of my mother’s house had 41 pine trees fall on it that night.  All doors where blocked in by the falling logs and in order to get out of the house they had to climb out a window.

The most memborable part of that night for me was the eye.  I remember listening to the 120+ mph gusts of wind and seeing trees bent over so far that their tips touched the ground.  But nothing was more intriguing than the silence and stillness that characterized the eye; a calm in the midst of chaos.

Today it is 40 degrees out and really windy a severe contrast to the 70 degree stillness we had yesterday…

Christmas! (Or Whatever You Celebrate)

Who’s excited for the holidays? Can you believe that we have less than three weeks until we go home again? It’s really crazy, and it’s probably just me, but it seems like the second semester is going to be really short. We get back from break near the end of January, and then the school year is over in May.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Christmas seemed so far away to me, and now it seems so close. I can’t wait, because I love Christmas and not just because of the gifts, although, I’m not going to lie, that’s a part of it. I love the spirit. I love the music, the decorations, the lights and, most of all, the tree. Of course, I won’t be home to see it until the last week this year, so I am hoping that the campus provides that for us, but so far, I don’t see that as being a problem. The night before I left for Thanksgiving break, I ate at Lakeside, and they had lights and decorations up. I mean, I know not everyone on campus celebrates Christmas, and I’m not making that assumption, but I think lights and decorations basically put everyone in the mood for the holiday season in general.

The main reason I’m excited gift-wise is because I asked for the third and fourth installments of the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. I’ve read the first book and will soon be reading the second book, and I know that this is going to sound really nerdy, but there’s nothing better than spending break with a good read, especially two. I just really hope that the next few weeks go by quickly, especially since with all of the work I have yet to do and finals to study for, they’re going to be pretty stressful.

Vet’s Day Open House

So it’s been a busy busy time over at the admissions office as we’re prepping for an Open House this upcoming Tuesday.

Open Houses, although busy busy days, are probably one of the best ways to get a look at the school since there are very few times when you have this many administrative & academic departments all in one space making it so much easier to find answers to all those questions that everyone has, or at least I know I had while I was looking at schools.

Oswego does a fantastic job coordinating the open houses to make as many things available as possible for anyone coming to look at the school.

There will be tours of the campus, residence halls and various campus facilities as well.

Want to see what a class at SUNY Oswego is like?  There are sign ups to sit in on classes going on throughout the day.

Have specific questions for different departments or want to find things to get involved in?  There’s a mix and mingling time for 2 hours with faculty & staff from over 50 student service and academic departments, plus representatives from a number of our completely student driven clubs & organizations.

But don’t take my word for it, there’s gonna be a lot going on this upcoming tuesday you should check it out for yourself

for more info, to see the detailed program and/or to register to come here’s the link!

Road Tripping for Change ’08

Today, I am leaving to go to Pennsylvania for Road Tripping for Change. The purpose of the event is to encourage citizens to hit the polls on Tuesday to vote for the democratic candidate, Barack Obama. The trip was basically promoted by SUNY Oswego Students for Barack Obama, which is how I found out about it. Everything, including housing, board and transportation, was paid for by Obama’s campaign and is therefore free for those of us going. Needless to say, I am very excited. This election is very important to me, because not only is it the first that I am participating in, but I am also a very strong supporter of Barack Obama for many reasons. So much is at stake right now, and what is sacrificed and what is gained depends primarily, if not solely, on who becomes America’s next president, so this opportunity, this chance, to help make a difference was an idea that I couldn’t even consider passing on, especially since it is completely free!

When I return, I will be writing a blog entry about my experience. I will also hopefully have some photographs that will help give everyone an idea of what this experience was like. I see it as a “once in a lifetime” opportunity, which, again, is why I couldn’t pass it down, especially since this is my first election in which I can vote. I will be returning either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, depending on whether or not Obama wins Pennsylvania (if he does, we will be holding a celebration Tuesday night), and not to intentionally shove my beliefs down peoples’ throats, but I am going to bluntly say that I am hoping for the nation’s sake that I will be returning Wednesday.

Achieving Your Dreams

Often times when thinking of college and what it means to be here many people take it for granted especially if they knew exactly how much time they really had to complete their dreams. These days and as in the past people would expect that a college education was the key and or a door to new opportunities that others wouldn’t necessarily have. But, others would disagree with the notion that “college isn’t for everyone” and that holds true as well in many cases. In either case what would you do if you knew exactly how much time you had to achieve your dreams?

Interestingly enough what would you do if you had weeks or months to live? Many of you may be familiar with the “Last Lecture” presented by Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch in September, 2007. I won’t continue to discuss the issues regarding his illness, life, or death. I send my deepest and sincerest gratitude to his family and loved ones. I would much rather offer his message and his work that I understand would be the best attribute of his life than discuss anything otherwise.

I first learned about Professor Pausch when watching The Oprah Winfrey Show about a year ago. I actually woke up hearing Professor Pausch speaking. There isn’t any amount of words that I could piece together that could explain how compelled I was by his message. I learned the value of life and how important it was to live each moment. I learned to accept challenges and criticism no matter what forms they come in. Professor Pausch stated that “when your screwing up and nobody is saying anything that is a bad place to be”. When your screwing up and no one says anything it is usually because they have given up or no longer care.

Overall Professor Pausch offered great perspectives on leading ones life and achieving your dreams. He mentioned to think of others more than yourself. He even dedicated what would be thought to be an account of his own life in his last lecture to inspire others, but more importantly for his children. You can view the last lecture by viewing the following link:\”Professor Pausch on YouTube\”

So as the world continues to spin what are we thankful for? Begin to focus on your dreams. Instead of making excuses find solutions. Focus more on what can be done rather than what can’t. Dare to dream and explore and make it a reality.  No message, words, people, books, videos, and or anything else can inspire you if you can’t find it within yourself. Professor Pausch mentioned that we cannot control the cards we are dealt but more so it’s important how we play the hand. Look into your hands. What cards appear there?Think wisely, choose precisely, and move swiftly. Therefore, I encourage that you not live each moment as your last but live each moment at its best.

I miss Orientation!!

I’ve been in Vermont for the last two and a half weeks at an internship and they have been the most quiet weeks of the summer.  While I’m learning a lot, I miss orientation!  I miss the students, the parent’s questions and my A-Team.  Most of all I miss the Laker Leaders.  It was my first summer in Oswego and I miss the lake and amazing sunsets!  I cannot wait to get back on the 17th.  6 days!  I think what I am looking forward to most is seeing how the first-year students all come together their first day here and how they interact with each other.  I really hope they love Oswego! 🙂