
Are you planning to attend a job fair without a suit?

Here is an event that you don’t want to miss! SUIT UP!

JCPenney, Destiny USA, Syracuse provides “40% off discount” event only for SUNY Oswego students. February 18, 2018 6:30-9:30pm and there will be a free transportation from campus to Destiny USA for first 220 students.

       1.How to reserve a seat?

Tickets are available at Career Services, 145 MCC with a refundable $10 fee (you will give this money back when you get on the bus, it’s like a deposit).

     2. Anything else in JCPenney?

There will be food, music and balloons at the store!!

 3. If I don’t need transportation, can i go by myself?

Yes!! It is open for all SUNY Oswego students. Don’t forget bring your student ID card.

Join the event and be ready to go to the next step!!


If you need more information, here is the link:

10/18 Fall Career Fair

Hello~ How is your semester going so far?

Today, i want to introduce the job fair for SUNY Oswego students that takes place 10/18 4-6pm at Marano Campus Center Gymnasium.

I highly recommended to juniors and seniors who are looking for internships and jobs. Freshmen and Sophomore also can participate and build your networks with about 70 companies.

If you want to participate, here are things you can do before:

  • Prepare your resume!
    • Check the lists of companies and bring enough copies of your resumes to give employers.
  • Business professional wears!
    • Be professional! First Impression!

  • Elevator pitch!
    • Think about how you can introduce yourself for 30 seconds to employers. What is your strength? Fun fact? Related Experiences?

If you need additional information about the job fair,

Here is the link that you can check the list of companies. I hope to see you all!

Navigate your future

Hello! This is Kelly.

In this semester, i started new internship in Compass Resource center as an ‘Navigator.’ Navigators are interns who works with students to build their experiences for future careers.

It has been a month at the Compass and i met and communicated with lots of students. Since i just started my internship in here, i am still learning and improving by helping more and more students. I am glad that i can help someone who are passionate about their majors and willing to find some opportunities. They always encourage me to challenge myself.

What navigators do?

  1. Help students who don’t have major yet or want to change their major
  2. Help students to create and critique their resumes and cover letters
  3. Help students to find opportunities related to their future careers
  4. Help students to find graduate program

Here is the website for Career Services Center. If you have student account they also have lots of online resources that you can use for free. If you have some questions while you are using those online resources, you can always come and ask us for help.

Compass Resources Center opens from 10am-4:30pm Mon-Fri, it is located in MCC145.

KOSA in Involvement Fair

Welcome back!!!

How is your new semester going so far? I start my senior year and i am trying to involve in school more.

Every fall semester, students can attend the involvement fair and check which activities they can do. Today (Aug. 30th), we had an involvement fair at MCC. There were clubs, many kinds of student service centers and foods. Since i am an event coordinator of KOSA, i was in the fair to promote my club.


KOSA stands for Korean Oswego Student Association and we share Korean cultures with Oswego students. We are planning to do many events in this Fall such as learning K-pop, K-drama and Korean traditional games, celebrating Korean big holidays, making postcards with paper arts and so on.










My friend and I wore Hanbok which is the Korean traditional costume to give more ideas about Korea. After the fair, i enjoyed sun and took pictures to record the moments. I don’t want to imagine winter is coming, but ready for winter at the same time.

By the way, KOSA will have the first meeting on Aug. 31st 8:00pm at the classroom in Hart hall 1F. If you are interested in Korea or you want to share your culture with me, please come and spend your time with us!!

Thank you:)





Having Two Names


I saw this video and i thought it will be good to add my experience as well as sharing this video. This video is made by Chinese students at Columbia University. Chinese students protest against ‘xenophobia’ which is defined as ‘fear or hatred of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers.’ They explained meaning of their Chinese name.

I usually stay in America from September to May and in Korea from June to August. I live in two countries with two names. My Korean name is Ye jin Lee. Ye Jin is first name, Lee is family name. Ye Jin means ‘Be pretty and honest.’ I have three sisters and their names are Ye Seul(Be pretty and wise), Ye Hyeon(Be pretty and sensible) and Ye Ji(Be pretty and intelligent). Like this, Korean name have their own meaning like Chinese. Their names are made by their parents or grandparents.

I also have American name Kelly. When i introduce my American name, people ask me how i picked this name. Honestly, there is not a specific reason. When i was 6 years old, in English language school, i had to make an American name. There was a list of the name and i just picked Kelly. I’ve been Kelly for a long time, which means i get used to be called Kelly. That’s why i keep using my American name in here.

Another frequent question is “why do you use American name, even though you have Korean name?” Personally, I think “Name” is for the other people not for me. Although there is a meaning of my name, it really doesn’t mean to me. Definitely, i try my best to be pretty and honest, because that’s what i think important, not because of my name. I think i am the one who makes meaning of my name. Name does not make who i am. Regardless of my name, i just want to be memorable and easy to be called. It is easier to use American name in America. Just i want to make my life easy. It does not mean i do not like my name, just i don’t put my name at the first place.

Enjoy your spring break!!

Live in Hart, Do the IST

Hello, How is your new semester going?

Today, i want to talk about the IST! If you are a resident in Hart hall, probably you heard about it.

IST is the class which you MUST take, if you want to live in Hart. If you don’t? You will be kicked out from the Hart.

As you know, Hart hall is the global residence hall. There are many international students from lots of countries. I worked as an international Orientation Leader last month and there were about 60 new international students in this spring semester. (In the fall, usually there are more than 100 new international students in SUNY Oswego!)





Thus, it is essential to understand diversity. IST is the program that helps to learn cultures of other countries with a credit. To take a credit, you have to handle 6 essays and 10 hours of community hours until the end of semester. For 6 essays, you can participate many kinds of discussion programs, presentation programs, and documentary programs. For the community hours, 10 hours of participation at the both on-campus and off-campus activities are required.

It sounds difficult to do, but it is not. The average grade of the class is A. There are many interesting programs signed up for this course, so you just need to go, listen and write an one-page essay. Even though you are not living in Hart, still you can attend the program.

Do you want to know what kinds of programs there are? Here is the IST calendar!


2017 NYC Career Connections

Hello~ How is your winter break going?

I attended a special event called NYC Career Connections hosted by alumni association on Jan. 12 in NYC. I had a chance to meet alumni and talk about how to get a job in NYC. Any Oswego students who are juniors or seniors can participate in this event.kakaotalk_20170116_134745252

This semester is my junior 2nd semester which is time to think about my future careers. I wanted to meet alumni and get inspiration from them. First, I went Sportsman Channel and met Tom Caraccioli ’89 who is a director of PR in the company. It was a great chance for me to meet him, because I major in PR and I could listen how everything goes in the PR field. I used to experience PR by only textbook, theoretically. At this session, he shared his experiences with us and give us great advice.


and i got this nice cap!!

After the day session, students gathered in the SUNY welcome center and met about 40 alumni participants from the different fields. It started with speech from keynote speaker and we had time for talking with alumni who work at the company which students are interested in. Students brought their resumes and got advice from them and got connections.
                                      kakaotalk_20170116_134743093 kakaotalk_20170116_134741072

I checked and I am in the right track for my future! Strongly recommended to students who just start to build your career. ——–> You can find more information in here!!

Go to the writing center!



Hello~ An Nyeong!! Today all classes canceled because of the snow!

BUT i know, you know, we know that we have lots of assignments to do.

Because my major is public relations, usually my assignments are writing papers such as case analysis, persuasion essay and so on.  Even though I studied in English which is my second language, the reason why I could survive in American university is the writing center. Today, I want to talk about how much benefits you can get by going to the writing center before submitting your assignments.

In my case, I’ve always been to writing center, since I was a freshman. In my first semester, I had never wrote an essay in English before, but I had to write an essay in English class. Fortunately, my English professor was a director of the writing center in the time, I got information about writing center and started to visit. I was so shy to show my work to tutors at the first time, but I did to get good grades. Once you showed, it was not hard at all from the second times. Since they know I am an international student and English is not my first language, they explain and help give me more detail so that I can understand. Here are more benefits!

  1. Save your time! (You can organize your thoughts before you actually write down in your paper.)
  2. Be more logical! (The most important factor of your essay is the logic.)
  3. Get rid of typos! (Letting other people read your papers always leads to a better job.)

I believe that your classes are coming down to finals. Please do your best until this semester is done and get good grades for every class you are taking.

Korean say “Fighting!!” when we want to cheer friends up!

FIGHTING!!!! 파이팅!!!



Register for spring semester!


Hello~ How was your October? Busy for the midterms? So am I.

I think this week will be less tough than the other weeks for all of us, hopefully. This week I am planning to register for spring 2017 semester. Some of students already start to register, but here is tutorial for registration for students who didn’t do yet.

  1. Go to ‘Myoswego‘ and click ‘registration’
  2. Check the start and end date of your registration
  3. Open your ‘Degreeworks’ and check the classes which you need to take next semester and write down.
  4. In ‘Myoswego-registration,’ click ‘Look up the class’ and select the term and searching the classes you need.
  5.  Make a schedule by yourself and list some alternative choices for the situation which the class already full.
  6. Make an appointment with your adviser and ask pin code for registration and check your class plan.
  7. After all of above, go to registration site, and register.

You should read class description before you register, because sometimes they have requirements for the class or some classes may be different than your thought when you read only class title.

Please don’t forget and get things done before due date, so that you can take all classes you want to take next semester.

Good luck !


Yes, i am so excited to take finals

Hangul(Korean) day

Hello! An nyeong(Hi in Korean)!

How is your semester going? How was your midterm? I will have three more tests after this week! So excited!

Today, Oct 9th! is special day in Korea which is my country and i want to share with you. It will be a informative blog today but i am sure you will have fun.

Hangul is the language that has an inventor named King Sejong and even comes with a user manual guide. Before Hangul have been invented, Korean used Chinese characters which only high-class people can learn. However, King Sejong wanted to make a language which every Korean can read and write easily. Hangul consonants are direct representations of the shape of the mouth when they are articulated. The vowels of hangul have a philosophical meaning to them. The circle represents the heavens, the horizontal line represents the Earth, and the vertical line represents humans.







King Se jong






Korean consonants






Korean vowels


Hangul is considered the easiest writing system. It has only 28 letters, but you can make 11,172 syllables. Nowadays, many foreigners are learning Hangul because of K-pop and K-drama. Lakers also can learn Korean in campus! There is a club called KOSA and we have meetings every Mondays at 8pm in hart hall. If you want to learn a second language i highly recommend you to learn Korean!

I brought some quotations about Hangul.

“Hangul is the best alphabet that all the languages have dreamed of.” -Jogn man (historican)

“Hangul is perhaps the most scientific system of writing in general use in any country.” -Edwin O. Reischauer(Professor, USA Harvard)

“King Sejong ststematized the phonological theory five centuries earlier than the West which completed its phonological theory in the twentieth century” -Werner Sasse(Professor, University of Hamburg)