Women Athlete or Just Athlete?

As many of you may know Women’s History Month is now coming to an end. This past week I had the pleasure of meeting with the Women’s Volleyball team to see how they celebrated.

This month the team has decided to each do their part in stripping gender roles from sports.  As the team prepares to go to nationals in a few weeks they have been practicing harder than ever. In the mist of nationals approaching, team member still had time to engage with youth in the community. Madison Seamans, a junior on the team stated “I celebrated women’s month by supporting athletics especially young women and letting them know not to be afraid to get out there.”



While attending the practice the team let me know about their t-shirts and the importance behind the slogan.

The t-shirts and the slogan were to represent that sayings such as “You throw like a girl”, shouldn’t exist. Yes, sports teams are separated by genders but should not separate how we are as  players. The team as a whole stressed that they should be identified as ‘Athletes’ not ‘Female Athletes’. Overall the team spent Women’s History Month stripping gender roles from sports, and being themselves.

Welcome to Autumn!

Hello everybody! It’s that time of year again…

Autumn!!! Or fall. Or pumpkin spice everything season. Whatever you prefer to call the three months between Sept. 22 and Dec. 21.

Here in Oswego, that means a few things. Swimming season at the lake is coming to an end. Temperatures begin to drop, and windy days become more numerous by the week. The green trees will soon become adorn in red and orange fall colors. And before you know it, well I won’t mention the dreaded s-word just yet…

So far this season, we haven’t really experienced true “autumn” weather in Oswego. A warm pattern, a continuation of the hot and dry summer Upstate NY experienced this year, carried over into September. Here in Oswego, the daily high temperature reached above 70ºF everyday this month through Sept. 23, even on a few occasions eclipsing 80º. Doesn’t sound like autumnal weather to me!

Meanwhile, the low temperature has dropped below 55º only four times so far this month, and did not reach the 40s until the morning of Sept. 25.

A tranquil sunset on Sept. 21 at the campus lakeshore. [Photo credit: Matthew Seymour]

A tranquil sunset on Sept. 21 at the campus lakeshore. [Photo credit: Matthew Seymour]

Keep in mind that, on average, high temps drop from the mid 70s on Sept. 1, to the mid 60s on Sept. 30. Lows normally go from the upper 50s on Sept. 1, to the upper 40s by month’s end.

Just this past Friday, a strong cold front finally pushed through the region, putting an end to Oswego’s extended summer weather. Temps the past couple days have been right around where they usually are, if not a little below normal. What a relief!!

A large wave crashes into the lakeshore the evening of Sept. 23, during strong northerly winds that followed the passage of a cold front in the morning. [Photo credit: Matthew Seymour]

A large wave crashes into the lakeshore the evening of Sept. 23, during strong northerly winds that followed the passage of a cold front in the morning. [Photo credit: Matthew Seymour]

The autumn-like weather looks to stick around this time, with cool temps continuing for the next several days. Have a great week!!

Why I am 700 Miles Away

Icy cold winds and snow piles over five feet high was my first encounter at SUNY Oswego. Most would agree those are not appealing features to attract someone to a college, but it grabbed me and pulled me in tight. As I toured Oswego for the first time in brisk conditions just three years ago, I fell in love with how beautiful campus looked, even covered in snow. Over-looking the vast Lake Ontario hugging the shores of campus, the sunsets leave picture perfect moments. And when the long winter season comes to a close and the temperatures start to rise, the Flat Rocks, Bev’s Ice Cream, and Rudy’s Fish Fry becomes the popular hangout stops on campus.


[Picture of the Lake Ontario Sunset]

As an aspiring student-athlete, Oswego was a dream come true. With a wide variety of academic and athletic opportunities, it wasn’t hard to find my place on campus. Being a hockey player, the newly renovated Marano Campus Center was a huge selling feature for me as an athlete. Oswego gave me the chance to play at a top-notch facility, at my highest potential. As for any other student on campus, it provides an entertaining and intense atmosphere where they can cheer on their favorite Laker Hockey Teams. Next to hockey, other sports have received new facilities such as the Turf Field which is home to soccer, lacrosse, and field hockey games. With a lot of opportunities for athletes and students, these facilities help bring Oswego students closer together.

campus center
[Picture of the Marano Campus Center]

Leaving for your freshman year of college is an exciting and terrifying time. Saying goodbyes to your family and friends, is always tough. But, if you go to SUNY Oswego, you most likely reside somewhere in the state of New York like Buffalo or “on” Long Island (as I’ve learned); therefore, the ease of traveling home for a quick weekend is in the cards. As for me, I leave my family, friends, and boyfriend 700 miles away in a small southwest suburb of Chicago, Illinois. Most people here have asked me why I chose to go to school so far away. The answer is simple: SUNY Oswego gave me the opportunity and the privilege to receive a fulfilling education alongside the honor of wearing a Laker hockey jersey every weekend to represent, not only my team, but the Oswego State Lakers with pride. Yes, at times it can be tough being so far from home; I only get to travel home for Christmas and Spring break; phone calls, text messaging, and Facetime have become a familiar use of communication. Although, having my Laker Hockey family here is a close second. The friendships and relationships I have made over the years, has left me with lifelong connections that I will cherish. Looking back at it all, I wouldn’t want to spend my last 3 years anywhere else. Oswego has become my second home, and it will always share a special place in my heart.

My name is Erika Truschke, and this is why I am 700 miles away from home.


Student Athlete Guide: Hold The Rope

Considering this is my senior year of collegiate athletics and ultimately last year of a true competitive sports season, now more than ever do I want to win. I get it, “winning isn’t everything,” but try saying that to any senior athlete and see what their response might be.  Everyone wants to go out with a bang in their final season, why would you want to settle for anything less?

Here is an example, I am sure we all at one point in our lives have been put in the position of missing the season finale of one of your favorite TV shows.  Something came up where you are unable to watch the show live. So what do you do? You shut off your phone, you avoid any public areas and social media, and you are  so high strung that you would curse out anyone who even slightly mentions what happened in the show (guilty). Why do we do that? Why do we go through such measures to make sure our show isn’t spoiled? It’s because we dedicated and invested our heart and souls into an entertainment program and we want to be in control to see what happens and don’t want anyone else to ruin it.

The same concept goes for sports.

One of our captains on our team came up to me and showed me an article that she wanted to read for our team. As I read over it, I was blown away by the message that it portrayed. The theme was quite simple, all you have to do is hold the rope. How many teammates when you look around the room would you trust to pull you up from a cliff that would lead to your death. How many of those teammates would be willing to let the rope burn their hands and blood drip just to save you?

It is a powerful concept, and when we read it to our team it was clear that not everyone trusted one another to hold the rope for them. However that trust throughout our team has been building during our preseason and people are starting to buy into the concept of exceeding expectations.

Throughout my career whenever I came up short in making it to the big dance, I was extremely upset and disappointed but I always knew that there would be a “next time.” It’s been three years of me saying “we will get it next time,” but now there is no next time. No do overs. No shoulda coulda woulda. There is only right here, right now.

So when it comes down to winning it’s all pretty black and white. All you have to do is answer this one question. Will you hold the rope?


A Self Titled Life- Sleepless People (Day 2)

Made it to day 2! Its 4:36 pm in Osaka, Japan on December 4. It’s very strange to be around 11 hours ahead of everyone back home. We also kind of lost a day when we got here because of the time difference. On the bright side it’s almost 5 am in New York but I feel like I am pretty adjusted to the time difference. Going home on the other hand and readjusting, is going to be a killer..

These signs are imprinted all over the streets in Tokyo. It seems like a really clean, eco-friendly city to be in. Theres a lot of people but not like New York City.

These signs are imprinted all over the streets in Tokyo. It seems like a really clean, eco-friendly city to be in. Theres a lot of people but not like New York City.

After walking around last night and walking back to the train station this morning, I realized everything is so clean here. The streets, trains, subways, stations, and the people too! Everyone also seems to dress in nicer clothing. Maybe that’s because it’s a Thursday morning and people are on their way to work but nevertheless, there have been quite a few dress shoes and heels. Oh and a lot of black clothing. I should fit in here.


Some of the signs in the Tokyo train station. There actually is a lot more written and spoken English than I thought there would be!


I swear these were pulled right off the set of ‘The Giver’



On the train into Tokyo last night and getting on the train this morning, first of all, there always seems to be a million people. Second, the doors open and this little Mario Cart or Wii game sounding jingle  plays in the stations. Everyone is frantically running in different directions trying to get on the train and off all at the same time and there is the adventure jingle playing in the background. If it had words they would say “on your mark. Get set. GET ON THE TRAIN MORE IT OR LOST IT” I almost want to give the people I’m with a high-five for leveling up in the game of getting on the train and not being left behind. It always makes me think of ‘Home Alone’ when they’re booking it though the airport to make their flight. Also, I sat next to this man on the train  into Osaka this morning and it turns out he lived in Minneapolis for 7 years! I’m not from Minneapolis nor have I ever been there, but I thought it was pretty exciting.


just some casual tubes of cream cheese


I thought this was so interesting. Its cream of pumpkin soup. I didn’t know this even existed.











Besides being impeccably clean, it seems like a lot of the advertising is in the stations and on the subways. Tokyo seems like an average city (comparable to New York City..sort of) but there is so little advertising on the streets and on the buildings. It’s all inside the stations which is kind of interesting. There’s also vending machines on the streets. Just free-standing machines every few feet filled with teas, waters, and other kinds of things.


I’m surprised at the number of Christmas trees and decorations I’ve seen. There was a giant tree outside of the Tokyo train station. Not as big as the Rockefeller tree, but what is?

We’re on the train heading to Osaka (where the students and the symposium is) and the homes that are all along the side of the mountains have an islandy vibe to them. There were also quite a few baseball fields along the way.




Visited a grocery store in Osaka. Melon is like an edible treasure. These cantaloupe were around $30 and there were ones with gold bows in individual boxes for $50.


Rice crispy treat tubes.


There was no way I would have passed up the opportunity to take a picture of the packaged octopus. I wish I could come up with some kind of octopus pun for this caption.


There is dried squid in the grocery store! That’s really cool.











We visited this rad little grocery store (I wish I could remember the name) but they had some of the coolest things in there. It’s so crazy to think how different things are for people around the world. Like in New York how going to the store and picking up a watermelon is no big deal but how for people in Japan, watermelon is a rarity. Or how there is such an abundance and variety of fresh sea food to buy here, as compared to other places that only have a limited packaged variety to choose from. It’s not really ‘how the other half lives’ its more along the lines of you don’t truly understand something until you experience it for yourself. I feel like it’s not until you see somewhere new that you find a new appreciation for it. Maybe it took for me to fly halfway across the world to realize that people aren’t really all that different. Sure we have different cultures, customs, and foods in our grocery stores, but we’re really not all that different as people. As soon as you stop looking at all the little things that make people different, you can finally see that we’re not. There’s a bigger picture out there and its much bigger that I could have ever imagine.


Stay Weird.


Current read- ‘The Bell Jar‘ by Sylvia Plath

When The First Snow Comes to Oswego

B2bVafzIMAAcn77.jpg_largeWhen I graduate from SUNY Oswego in a few months and move on to something different, I’m going to miss a lot of things about this campus and about this region. One of those things is one of my favorite events of the year, and I know it’s many others’ too—the first snowfall.

No matter when it happens or how it happens or what happens afterward, it always seems to be something we look forward to. Snow is undoubtedly Oswego’s biggest legacy. Getting an average 150 inches of snow each winter, it is one of the snowiest parts of the country. Some people love it. Some people hate it. But generally, there tends to be a little bit of excitement when you hear someone say “It’s snowing out!” in early December, or November…or October.

Students will be taking pictures everywhere and when you go onto Facebook, you’ll see a picture of a white Campus Center every few posts. When you see people you know, they will each tell you their own story. How they “almost slipped and fell here” or “I couldn’t even see my building” or “some freshman were thinking this is bad. They haven’t seen anything yet.” Then there’s always that thought in the back of your head that says “class cancellation” even though you know there’s no chance of that happening.

It’s very hard to explain what exactly it is. Last Thursday while walking home from The Oswegonian office, it started coming down pretty good. It was a very pretty walk back to the Village with some of the other Oswegonian editorial board members. The wind was actually not blowing so the snow was just gently falling to the ground and not in your face. You could hear people shouting in the distance, obviously excited about it.

I can remember every first snowfall in my college years. Not that I’m not used to the snow that Oswego gets. I grew up around here and had my own share of 40 inches in five hours, impassable whiteouts, and watching snow pile up faster than I could shovel it before I came to Oswego.

I don’t know what it is though. Is it the change in seasons, the beginning of a different era, something new happening on campus, something cool to talk about? I’m not sure.

Maybe the snow brings us students closer together. We can’t bask out in the sun or play Frisbee or football out in the lawn anymore. The snow forces us inside to enjoy some warm food, lots of laughter and good company and to make some memories that won’t happen anywhere else when the snow starts to fall.

Pie a Cheerleader!

What’s happening on the #SUNYOswego campus?

Well. . . today is the day to pie a SUNY Oswego cheerleader! Now tell me, is there anything that can get better than that?

No, not at all. See, the campus is everything you can imagine and more, from being extremely educational to having tons of fun, which requires balance that develops with time. What a great idea to get the Oswego campus involved!

Hey, “The sky is NOT the limit, but just the beginning of your potential destiny.” (My favorite quote to live by on an every day basis, whom the author is me, Destiny. Destiny Green.)


Photo(s) from the “Pie a Cheerleader” Event:


My dear friend, Christy Ogden, is one of the #SUNYOswego cheerleaders.

Speaking on behalf of the team, Christy said, “We are doing this to raise money for Nationals in Daytona, FL and win the championship!”




Week 6: Life is what you make of it.

I have now been in Tasmania, Australia for one month.

I haven’t left the state of Tasmania at all, I’ve been to the city of Hobart a couple of times, and to be honest I’ve hardly left campus.

However, I have done many things which surpass any amount of land that I could step foot on, in my opinion. Here are some instances:


Went river rafting

Seen 5 wallabies at the same time in their natural habitat

And a possum

Learned to play League of Legends- an intense computer game

Begun watching Game of Thrones Season 1

Went bushwalkingIMG_5991

Perched inside of a fern plant IMG_5995

Applied to work at an Australian McDonalds

(I didn’t get the job….)

Breathed fresh air that smelled of eucalyptus

Eaten 5 (and counting) Cadbury chocolate bars of different varieties

and sizes... they weren't all this size...

and sizes… they weren’t all this size…

Seen abundant, green wildlife & snow covered mountains in the same day

Walked to and from the stores weekly to buy my groceries

Blew an Australian’s mind when I pointed out that they have a platypus on one of their coins (he thought it was a koala…)

Met amazing, friendly people that make my day every day, and that I wold never had met if I didn’t come here.


There’s a small chance that I would have done any of these things at home, even in a whole semester at SUNY Oswego. Some of them would not be possible at all.

However, I also believe that “travel” is what you make of it, meaning your experiences are what make traveling so breathtaking. While being in a different place makes it easier, anyone can get the same thrills as a traveler: all you have to do are things you wouldn’t normally do.



ANYWAYS… I’m having a great time. School is school. Hopefully I will be going to a wildlife sanctuary soon to hang out with kangaroos.

Until then!
