mario cart, women ties, linkedin and wiggio

Last week I attended and partially hosted 4 all day events. Including Tracy Higginbothams Class of 92′ Syracuse Woman’s entrepreneur retreat. It was my gauntlet week. However, I was super professional and may have a host of people who actually want to hire me when I get done with college!
Betsy Powers and Me at Women Ties Retreat

It was full of catering and stress though, each night I got home all I did was write thank you notes to the vendors and play Mario cart. Now I know it isn’t call of duty or madden but I was out of patience by that time, it had to be peach and the little pink mushroom to make all my corporate anxiety go away.
Tammie the Director of the MBA program and Me at Women Ties Retreat

It has been pretty good overall, my account is almost full, my friends love me again since I am back to hang out once more and Oswego is rainy. All is well.

Got some group work to do, check out, it makes my life so much easier!

Want some fabulous resources, be ozzy and be on the lookout 🙂
Nancy Bellow, Gabby S., and Me at Women Ties Retreat