The Best Recruitment Advice

The time is coming close where you are looking to join a sorority. This may seem scary, but I am going to give you some tips to take the ease off you a bit.

  1. I highly suggest you research the sororities here on campus. All the national sororities here on campus are on social media. On this campus we have Alpha Epsilon Phi, Delta Phi Epsilon, Phi Sigma Sigma, and Sigma Delta Tau.
  2. The sisters in the sorority are just as nervous as you are. They don’t know you, and you don’t know them. The best thing to do is just have a normal conversation with a sister to break the silence.
  3. Do not just follow what your roommate is doing. If your roommate wants to join a different sorority than you, let her! At Oswego we are all friends. National Sororities are social sororities. You will be able to see her and hang out with her still.
  4. Honestly, be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you are not, or say something just to impress people. They will like you for you.
  5. Make sure you ask questions. You don’t want to join a sorority if it doesn’t fulfill everything you want.

Remember, research, be yourself, be outgoing, make your own decisions, and lastly, enjoy yourself!