There are countless products out there that promise moisturized skin and hair, especially during the winter months. Between the lake effect snow, the harsh wind and the below zero temperatures, Oswego provides the perfect climate to leave your skin scaly and your hair dry. Rather than purchasing ANOTHER lotion and hair mask, I decided to make my own using some guidance (Thank you Google!) and some kitchen ingredients: A super ripe avocado and an egg.

The mixture made enough to cover my face and my hair. It was really simple and my skin and hair felt SO soft afterwards! Here’s how to do it on your own.
First you’re going to make your face mask! In a bowl, scoop out the avocado and the white part of the raw egg. Mix together until there’s a gooey, uniform consistency. The white in eggs are meant to tighten your pores, while the avocado naturally moisturizes your skin. After covering your face, mix in the yolk of the raw egg and apply to dry, combed hair. Let both masks sit for 30 minutes!

Afterwards, rinse your face first. Here is probably the most important thing to remember: RINSE YOUR HAIR WITH COLD WATER! Rinsing with water that’s too hot will cook the egg in your hair…yuck! Once everything is rinsed, shampoo, condition, and moisturize like you normally would!
Wishing you a warm and less scaly winter!