Gospel Choir 39th Annual Dinner

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the 39th annual Gospel Choir dinner. They had an amazing turnout and a very enjoyable meal. The evening began with praise and worship and wonderful performances by the members of the choir. The night ended with an introduction of the new 2019-2020 E-board. Overall I enjoyed my night attending the Gospel Choir Concert!

One thought on “Gospel Choir 39th Annual Dinner

  1. Gospel choirs are so wonderful to watch and listen to. I am a musician and I can certainly appreciate it when every note is hit so perfectly. I wish all church worship was so finely tuned; it makes it much easier to listen. I am a drummer and keyboard player and was part of a worship group for 22 years in Worcester, MA… Saw many people come and go, passing by within the group. There needs to be a lot of dedication, perseverance, and learning/knowledge acquired for the instrument you are focusing on. For choirs, that instrument is each one’s voice – really amazing what God has allowed them to do with their vocal chords.

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