Make Friends

College Friends

            I encourage all of the incoming freshmen to make as many friends as possible among each other and even upper classmen. This is because college friends are really your lifelong friends that you are going to spend your memories with and enjoy life with. You may find some amazing people who will help shape a path in your life to more of a better future than you could have ever imagined. Sure you will find people who you don’t appreciate and are possibly too much, well; we all can’t like everyone in today’s society. It’s better to find and make connections so you can build a successful future. You can be a famous anything with the help of friends. The assistance of friends leads to finding out who your real and fake friends are. Although some people mention to not trust anyone, you need to understand that everyone wants friends and a successful future. Therefore, chances are, everyone is friendly and want real friends, too.

You build feelings of missing each other if you have a friend who is an upper classman. There you would hope to keep contact for when you all grow up to have your careers and want to catch up at a reunion or dinner for 2. Eventually, you will find Mr. Right, and build feelings and build a family together. This is a potential possibility if we all build connections, be real, and share important and well experienced memories. I hope you all enjoy your time in college, the best 4 years of your life all offered by SUNY Oswego!

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