
My Valentine’s Day spent sick

          Being sick really ruins a lot of plans. I mention this because lately I’ve had a strong cold throughout this week, or Valentine’s week. Hope everyone had an amazing Valentine’s Day whether it was spent with your significant other or with your friends. People who were pretty sick, well, I feel for you. I didn’t know what to do without risking myself getting sicker if I had gone with my friends ice skating or travelled back to NYC to meet with my significant other. Instead, all I felt I could do is decline the fun in ice skating (even though I can’t skate and would probably be engulfed from embarrassment whenever I’d fall) and go stay in my dorm to have a Skype call with my girlfriend. For me, it’s more deserving taking care of my health in which I had to think thoroughly about with the help of my best friend. She told me I should just go to the Mary Walker health center, but at first I had refused the chance to go because it would be my first time going. It always feels weird to me going somewhere the first time. On Valentine’s Day, my fourth day being sick, I chose to go and my doctor recommended I take Zyrtec and so far, I’ve been feeling better since then.

This week hasn’t been anything I would have looked forward to, but I am happy to take care of my health in the end. I hope everyone had a safe Valentine’s night and best of luck for all of you that started your relationships. Love forever.


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