
The Insanity workout


This workout has been previously known to be one of the hardest workouts to ever been put out on DVD. Although this deems to have been true, it is still possible to do and accept this challenge. We should feel comfortable with challenging our bodies as long as it’s safe and we can get a positive outcome out of it. Who wouldn’t want to feel good and be fit? We all do, but some of us choose many different options to get the same outcome. This option in particular, the Insanity workout, is an option where the work you put in is exactly what you get without the use of special equipment. Better yet, there are no sit ups or crunches!

Shaun Thompson or “Shaun T” is the choreographer and fitness specialist who made this workout follow a certain routine that is designed to help you get the maxed results in a short period of time. His routine is the opposite of the traditional interval training routine. In interval training, you work out for 30 seconds and rest for 3 to 4 minutes. Shaun’s Insanity workout instead has you working out for 3 to 4 minutes and resting for a water break for 30 seconds. The results are amazing and every person that I know of who has done this workout for a considerable amount of time have all seen a convenient change in their bodies. The workout is indeed helpful since it gives you the maximum results in only 60 days (give or take 3 or 4 days).

I asked some friends about their experience with Insanity whether they lasted from a day to 5 Insanity cycles (1 Cycle = 2 months):

“It’s repetitive, tiring, and there’s a lot of sweat involved” –Erin Fanini

“Well after ten minutes I was already sweating bullets. Then all my muscles started burning, but at the same time, I was energized. Overall, I think it’s a very good workout and it’s very effective.”

–Marcileni Baldera

“I really enjoyed it! I felt like it worked every muscle in my body and made me feel better about myself! It didn’t take up too much time so I was able to do other things either before or after! Most of the time I did it right when I woke up so it was a great way for me to start my day on a good note!”

-Rachel Treiling

In my opinion, Insanity feels like it nullifies the chances of getting nose congestion/getting sick from flu-like symptoms. It’s probably because you are only so busy breathing within the workout that your body maybe listens to that over whatever causes you to get sick. The fact of the matter is, I’m still not sick after just seeing so many friends get sick for days while my workout buddy and I endure the challenge that is Insanity. A great thing to think about is that it fights the myth of “freshman 15”.



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