I am now full fledge into my internship at target and I couldn’t be happier! I love target and their team so much. They are exactly what I always want to be Fast Friendly and FUN!
GMAT’s didn’t go so hot, I got a 410. AKA bad…I have never been able to take standardized tests. I spent over a year preping for these GMATs and alas to no avail. I couldn’t master the SAT’s either though, I spent over a 1000 dollars in prep to be able to get into the right school and none the less…not so good.
It is a good thing that Oswego saw me for who I really am.
I don’t know what I am going to do about my MBA, perhaps Fisher will take me. I hope they do, they score MBA students primarily on their gpa, so that is where I can score some points with them.
I spent some time yesterday on Target’s roof. It was awesome, I love my team and I can’t wait to go back tomorrow.
In addition I made blueberry crumb muffins, I ate them at work. There could be some blueberry crumbs on that roof.
Be Ozzy!