Grad School

I forgot how much work it really is to just apply for school!  After all, it has been four years since I have even thought about applying to school, let alone actually filling out the applications.  I just figured out that I want to do last semester, so now I have to decide where I want to go and visit the campuses.  I’ve visited a few (University of Rochester, St. Rose) but there are a few more I want to go see!  Visiting the school is really important for me in deciding where I want to go.  When I saw Oswego in the SUNY booklet as a senior in highschool, I said NO WAY because of all of the things I had heard about the snow.  I decided that I wanted to major in PR, so I decided to visit anyway.  I visited in October (I remember because it was so windy!) and it was so beautiful I just had to come here.  🙂  But anyway, the grad school search is kicking my butt and just thinking about all of it is really tiring, but really exciting at the same time!  I can’t believe that at this time next year, I’ll be at a different school.  It’s all starting to sink in that I won’t be here next year, which makes me sad (and jealous of everyone who will be back!) but also makes me excited for what is about to come!  I’ll keep ya’ posted on the search!

3 thoughts on “Grad School

  1. My Julie-Jo,
    How can it be that you are ready to launch on outta here? I remember you as a first year…ahhh-those were the days! You had such potential way back then and, my goodness – look what you have done and accomplished. Potential realized!
    You have contributed so much to wonderful OZ….and it will always be home no matter how far you go…

    Watch out Grad Schools…JJ is on her way!
    I am so proud of you!
    Robin (Jo) hee hee!

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