I know that feeling of commuting home from a long day’s work or classes and just wanting to go home after and grab your laptop and hopping on the couch to relax. But does this really help you learn or even bring motivation, while going to college?? I think not!! Such as this example, which was a HUGE distraction for me. So, I’m sharing these 5 Studying Don’ts and I also provided some handy tips that have worked for me throughout each semester. I’d like to share these tips to help you get much closer to become an awesome and educated student. The better my grades are, the more opportunities I have ever had before.
Here we go …
1. Don’t get too comfy on the couch and set yourself up an ‘office’ with as close as you can get ‘desk’, and this helps with getting rid of distractions. Or put a desk in your room where there is a door you can close for a certain period of time you planned for school.
2. Don’t dehydrate yourself and drink LOTS OF WATER. This can help you feel focused and refreshed, as staying hydrated is very important for every student to keep their brain strong to obtain a lot of information. Put a lemon in your water, if plain water is getting too boring to drink after a while.
3. Don’t think your life sucks right now (ha-ha) because it will all be all worth it when you receive that diploma, in the end. I will talk myself into how having good grades could potentially help me in my future. I think most jobs know that a lot of young adults have their degree, but not all have really good grades and that takes determination from the student.
4. Don’t eat junk food or eat too late at time. A way to not binge eat at night is by going TO BED at a decent hour. You should reward yourself with a ‘sweet treat’ when you complete a planned study or assignment.
5. Don’t cram your work and try harder when it comes to planning and time-management for studying and assignments, etc. It’s important to be organized and to divide up the school work between the days of the week, and maybe even on Sunday nights. It won’t be like this forever and if I can do it then you can do it!!!
I never found myself going to the library unless it was to get together with the groups from my classes, for the project we have to complete together. Places where there are a lot of people, seems to be distracting for me. So, at home I have found that using a ‘HUGE’ desk calendar has saved me!! Also, having the option in my house to have an office with a desk. This room is separate from the rest of the house and has NO DISTRACTIONS. When I get in there, I am in the zone and can focus, kind of like when I am at work! If you don’t have this option then choose an area where you can’t hear sounds that much in your place. There is the option of going to Penfield library, which is huge and has computer labs and printer access, etc.
Good luck with your studies Lakers. Comment below if you find any of these to be interesting, if any have worked for you or if you have certain tips of your own that you have found very useful as a commuter.