Here you are, senior year, two weeks away from graduation. Where are you going next? What are your plans after graduation? As I sit here typing one of my last blog entries, I realize that I honestly have no idea what is next but, I am so excited. I look back on my time here with little to no regrets because my college experience was everything I wanted. If I could give my freshman self a list of advice this is what it would be:
- Put yourself out there. Join clubs, organizations, make friends with everyone on your floor and join study groups. Most people you meet freshman year are going to be the people you spend the next four years with.
- Take every opportunity to hang with your friends. In college, you meet some of your best friends that you’ll stay close with for the rest of your life. Even when life gets busy, make time for them. Once you leave college, most of your friends won’t be right down that hall from you.
- Go out and have fun on those random Tuesday nights (after your school work is done of course).
- Enjoy the unlimited dining hall food. Yes, it may not be the “best” but, once you move off campus you’ll regret not having a variety of food made for you.
- Take as many classes that interest you. You’re in college the world is your oyster. There are so many different courses that can count towards your degree. So, take the classes you’re passionate about.
- It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to do. You have FOUR years to figure it out so don’t stress.
- Call mom and dad at least once a week. Yes, you are having a great first few weeks but, trust me, they miss you a lot.
- DON’T PROCRASTINATE! Get to the library and finish your school work! Don’t wait till Sunday or the night before somethings due. It’ll drive you crazy.
- Take care of your mental and physical health. There are two gyms on campus and along with a great running route near the water. Also, mental health is extremely important. Be sure to take time for yourself.
- Become close with faculty members. They are here to help you out whenever you need. Go in for office hours if you don’t understand something. Professors want you to succeed!
- Realize that it’s okay to make mistakes. We are all human, nobody is perfect! If something goes wrong or isn’t playing out how you wanted, know that it’ll work out in the end.
- Don’t fret over dumb drama or people who make you feel any less. You don’t need that negativity in life and know that there are so many other people on campus you can meet and hang with.
- If you don’t like your major… CHANGE IT.
- Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone has a different path and a different journey!
Lastly, when I say four years goes by in the blink of an eye, I mean it. What I would do to go back to the day where I moved into Seneca Hall room 901. I had no idea what was in store for me but, I knew the next four years were going to be full of many firsts, finding myself, and meeting people who will forever have an impact on my life. Enjoy the next four years, you’ll never get this time back.