Academics in College

College is the ideal time to find yourself and explore new opportunities. With this can also come stress and concern about academics. Academics in college can be difficult but this is because it’s supposed to challenge you and in the end – it’s worth it. The truth is, time management is everything. It is important that you join extracurriculars and explore opportunities to meet new people but it is also important to be managing your time effectively and getting your work done. As a senior, I have taken my fair share of classes and I’m here to provide you with some tips for success in academics during your time in college!

1. Utilize Resources:

On campus, there is the writing center and tutoring center that is available for students that are in need of help. Using these two resources is a great way to get an outside perspective on your paper or get some insight in a class that you’re struggling in. Another crucial resource held by professors are office hours. Office hours are a time where your professor is readily available to speak about anything that you may need such as a question about a paper that is due soon or even to express that you’re struggling and need some more assistance. Attending office hours can also help you form bonds with professors which is crucial during college.

2. Don’t procrastinate!

One thing that I’ve done all four years of college is use a planner. In the beginning of the semester I would input all due dates into my planner so that nothing is ever forgotten about. I am always sure to finish the assignment at least two days before it’s due (sometimes longer if it’s a big assignment) so that I’m not cramming at the last minute. I’ve utilized this method because I know my best work is not completed an hour before it’s due date and I’ve found that this is the case for many others as well!

3. Take time for yourself.

Mental health is extremely important and it is crucial that you are always making sure that your mental state is okay. Whether it may be spending time with friends, working out, putting on a face mask or watching your favorite show on Netflix, be sure to take time for yourself so that you’re able to do the best in your courses. After all, it’s college and it’s expected that you take some time to form bonds with others and to find yourself. 

4. Visit Penfield Library

The library is an awesome place to go if you need to get work done. Everyone in the library is generally there for the same reason and seeing everyone hard at work can give you motivation as well. The library and it’s employees also have various amounts of knowledge that can help you succeed in your courses. If you need a break, feel free to stop by Lake Effect Cafe and grab a snack and coffee to keep you on track.

Adjusting to college academics your first year may be a bit difficult but in time you’ll find ways that will help you succeed. Be sure to remember that it’s okay to have fun and meet friends but also know that the main reason you are here is because of academics so be sure to time manage! I hope these tips help you to reach success during your time at Oswego!

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