The Color Purple

Domestic Violence Awareness

Domestic Violence Awareness

Did you know that Domestic Violence Awareness was represented by the color Purple?

Did you know that October was the national Domestic Violence Awareness month?


It was the Tuesday of this week, and as I walked past Cooper Dining Hall, BAM! I saw them…purple flags stuck in the ground on either side of this bright red, wooden statue of a female. At first, I thought SUNY Oswego had an archery club, and that the female statue would act as a target for flying arrows (THIS WASN’T EVEN CLOSE).

There was a purple sign, stuck in the grass on the far right of the flags, that said , “OCTOBER IS…Domestic Violence Awareness Month.” This is why you should read signs, unless you want to find yourself ducking for arrows that were never there.

So here’s the sitch…

I learned that people do not care about world issues if they do not know of them and aren’t affected by them. This doesn’t make them a bad person, however, it does make me wonder is Ignorance blissful?

I believe the answer is up to one’s self. Only I can define, for myself, what is blissful, from what is not. Therefore, my answer is No. Ignorance, in this case, is not blissful, it’s hurtful. It is hurtful to those who are victims of Domestic Violence. In fact, another thing that was said on the purple sign was, “YOU ARE NOT ALONE. THERE IS HELP!” Whether that help is to make people aware of Domestic Violence or to assist a victim of Domestic Violence, it is still help. Just knowing that there is still a large scale of Domestic Violence is enough to change a situation, however, to live in “bliss” doesn’t change a thing. There was a note posted on the female statue, which stated in the beginning that “[n]early 1 in 3 college women have been in an abusive relationship…according to a 2011 study from Break the Cycle.”

I’m almost positive that everyone on campus has seen these purple flags, but if you haven’t read the information posted on the female statue or on the purple signs, I would make a note to. They inform you on how Domestic Violence has affected women in college, and gives you a better scope on the issue of Domestic Violence.

Check it out!

About the Author

Hey I'm Tian (T-ann). It’s fancy like that. I'm a junior here at SUNY Oswego and a Public Relations major and Creative Writing minor. I live in Westchester County, but Oswego is my home away from home.
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