HvZ Next Week!

Humans vs Zombies

    Sign up this Thursday! It’s almost time again for the Humans vs. Zombies annual game. For those of you who don’t know, this game is a campus wide game of tag where a set few of people are labeled zombies and cannot use anything but their two hands to tag someone labeled a human in order to turn them into a zombie. Humans are allowed to throw socks and use NERF guns to stun zombies from being able to tag them for 15 minutes. I participated in this event last year, and I recommend everyone to at least join in the fun during one of their years here in SUNY Oswego. The game only comes around once a year after midterms in the fall semester.

I probably will be writing up daily blogs for each day I survive as a labeled human in the game. I may resort to writing a huge blog that is more like a list of journal entries of what occurred every day from what I remembered that is most memorable of course. I have done this last year where on the last day of the event, I wrote a blog describing everything I could in detail and it was just too much fun writing it all down and remembering the friends I made and hilarious moments.

There are clear rules within the event which keeps everyone safe as long as people respect them. Such rules are that you can’t be in play when you step in the parking lot or 5 feet from a building. When a NERF bullet hits a zombie in the head, it won’t count as them being stunned. Also, non-players cannot participate in the game, where players working in collusion with non-players will be kicked out. You can find the list of rules and regulations within the Humans vs. Zombies Facebook page.

The game is thrilling, exciting, and friendly if you make it so. There won’t be anything weird about it since it’s a game where we all can go around and be “childish” as some people believe it to be. It’s worth the fun, and it’s acceptable. What’s better is you’re playing with potential long term friends and well as building great friendships as you go around finding other humans to team up with as you walk to class. The same goes to zombies where you can wait in front of campus center and wait for humans to walk nearby (Oops…watch out humans).

The game may feel like it’s built towards zombies to win, but it’s really all about giving it a try and experience the thrill of being in situations of survival. I want everyone to have fun and don’t even worry about not having a NERF gun. I was pretty much a weaponless human who would throw useless socks sometimes and even borrowed a NERF gun whenever a friend wasn’t going outside for the rest of the day. Enjoy the event guys, it’s only one week with an interesting storyline brought to you by the moderators of the Story Teller’s Guild.

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