People like me can’t be bored very long. We have to find something to do with our time…. otherwise, we find ourselves going crazy.
It’s been a couple of months since my last post. During that time, I found myself constantly sitting down to write a blog entry, only to realize I had to run out the door for a meeting or work on an assignment. Like I said, I don’t get bored for very long. My busy mind always finds something to do. But I finished out the semester strong and after triumphing over the stress crunch, I came out on the other side extremely proud of the work I completed this semester.
I graduated from SUNY Oswego just a short month and three days ago (but who’s counting) with Cum Laude distinction (above a 3.3 GPA) and walked out of my last final exam with a 3.81 GPA for the Fall 2011 semester. While job hunting has been my #1 priority since I put the pedal to the metal in October, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m actually somewhat enjoying my free time.
Last night, I was lying in bed and I couldn’t help but let my mind wander to job interviews at my dream company (still no clue as to which company that may be). Lots of companies want to know what recent graduates have been up to since declaring themselves as alumni. I smiled to myself and formulated the best answer I could at 3:30 am. “I’ve dedicated most (if not all) of my free time to searching for career opportunities since graduation. However, that’s not to say I haven’t taken advantage of this free time to bond with my family after being away from home for so long. My dad and I have become a lot closer over our love for hockey and turning brown-bagged homemade lunches into a Friday tradition. My mom and I have been getting along very well while doing a lot of de-cluttering and planning home improvement projects. We’ve even scheduled a day-trip to New York City to be a part of a live studio audience at the Nate Berkus Show, which is also going to be a great experience for me in the field of broadcasting. Overall, the time I’ve spent post-graduation has been very valuable to my overall quality of life and I am happy to say that I am enjoying these new experiences.”

Picking out new paint colors for my bedroom. It's time for a fresh start!
I’m assuming this will be my last blog post for SUNY Oswego, as it is time to move on and hear from some new voices around campus. If I can leave my readers with any words of advice before I “sign off”, it would be to never underestimate the power of a handwritten thank-you note. I thought that I would be sending out maybe 5 or 6 thank-yous towards the end of the semester…. I wound up sending over 25 notes to former professors, bosses, advisers, mentors and colleagues to thank them for contributing to my experience at SUNY Oswego. I encourage you to do the same. Pay it forward, and your thoughtfulness won’t go unnoticed.
In true broadcasting fashion, I will misquote the great Ron Burgundy: “You stay classy, Oswego.”
Great blog post, Danielle! It’s been such a pleasure to work with you and see you build a road to what’s next. Which should be something awesome.