A Peek Into The Actor’s Packet

     I completed what we call an “Actor’s Packet” on Friday for those involved in Blood Relations. The packet contains most of my research that I have compiled since last semester.  The actors read the packet to help them gain a better understanding of the play and the Director’s concept as it relates to the play. My focus is making sure that the production team as well as the Actors understand what the Playwright’s intentions were. This particular packet included; a production history with photos, biographical information on the playwright (her life and her work), clarifications within the text, historical information on the time period, Lizzie’s place in society, a compilation of criticisms made by other artists and critics, and finally, biographical information on each character.
     I decided to try something a little different as well and made each actor a “Case File”. This included newspaper articles and cartoons surrounding the case that were printed on newspaper paper, crime scene photos, documents, and a detailed account of the day of the murders. The idea around this is that the Actors have objects from history that have been recreated. Rather than reading the historical information surrounding the murders, they can pick the items up, look at them and feel them. The Actors will have the items to aid in their journey back to that time period, and back to that day. I decided to call this Actor’s Packet a Dramaturgy “Tool”, and it will be referred to as such throughout the text rehearsal period.



Dramatrgy Tool

Dramaturgy “Tool” Contents.

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