Make Way… Oswego ALUM on BoArD!

Now that things have calmed down after the climax of my four years at SUNY Oswego with Graduation on May 16th I am officially an Oswego Alum! This by far is one of the best moments of my life. It’s no joke to see how fast my time here has gone and everything is just a memory. Now that I’m transitioning to the next phase along with millions of other recent college grads isn’t the best time to be out and about in the job market.

I’m looking for employment and that is tough. But guess what peeps I am a lot tougher :-). I find the economy to be a motivating factor for me. This forces me to strengthen my tides, connections, resources, and network unlike any other. I am prepared in doing so and I have done so. This gives me more passion and a willingness to explore and seek opportunities because no matter the state or condition of the world, opportunities are always there. I have been a firm believer that if the opportunities you want don’t exist then go and lay new ground by creating them yourself. Not many people share that willingness but I sincerely hope that people dig as deep as they can and go the mile to find what it is that they would like to do after graduation.

My experience so far has been incredibly rewarding since a graduated two weeks ago. Yes, it’s very recent and I am enjoying myself. As I transition to new horizons and chapters I am extremely appreciative of all the help and support that I have been given by so many people throughout my experience at Oswego State. Though has congratulatory has things are now it wasn’t simple and nothing worth any particular value is not brought without dispute. Needless to say I have arrived and I have made it. I have rose to the challenge of being victorious over circumstances as did so many of the Class of 2009 graduates.

I plan to have an enjoyable summer and make this new phase count! As it relates to the economy, getting a job, transitioning somewhere new, paying my cell phone bill, and so many other challenges, I will just let it be a few lessons learned to continue to plug at opportunities and just continue being a good person because “your [my] spirit will take you [me] far,” Dr. Clark.


4 thoughts on “Make Way… Oswego ALUM on BoArD!

  1. Congratulations! I’m sure whatever path you end up on in the future you will be great.

  2. That’s difficult to determine. The jury is still out. I’m just working hard and being patient with opportunities.

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