My last first day of classes!

I was completely exhausted after my last first day of classes!  I had four classes in a row yesterday and came home and just passed out.  I can’t really complain though because I don’t have classes Monday, Wednesday or Friday. 🙂  That makes me happy!  I took my PR Capstone last semester and now have no communications courses this semester.  It’s so weird not taking something for my major. I feel like I’m out of place!

I can’t believe that this is my last semester.  Four years in one place is a long time.  I feel like I was just starting to get used to the city of Oswego and now I am about to leave.  It’s sad but exciting to see where my life actually takes me.

EVERYONE has been asking me “What are you going to do when you graduate?” and I have no response for that.  I have changed my mind literally 20 times in the last 5 months about what to do.  I think I have it all figured out then I just don’t know!  My mom calls me a “parent’s worst nightmare” because I don’t know! haha!

Winter break was uneventful for me, though it was nice to go home.  The holidays were nice!  I’ve got some book recommendations for you!  “Shelter Me” by Juliette Fay and “Love, Rosie” by Cecelia Ahern.  I read them over break and couldn’t put them down!  I also saw Bride Wars and the movies over break and it was okay.

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