Happy RAK Week!

Good morning everybody!

Active Minds' table full of free stuff in the Marano Campus Center!

Active Minds’ table full of free stuff in the Marano Campus Center!

I’m guessing right about now you’re wondering “What is RAK Week?” Well I’m glad you asked! RAK stands for Random Acts of Kindness and it is an annual initiative to spread kindness across the world. As a part of Active Minds, we celebrate this every year to try to cheer people up here at SUNY Oswego; you never know what a small act of kindness can do for someone who could secretly be struggling! Plus it makes you feel good to make others feel good! Here are a list of ten small things you can do as a part of RAK week and in your daily life!

Free Cookies in the Marano Campus Center 2/15-2/17 from 10AM-2PM!

Free Cookies in the Marano Campus Center 2/15-2/17 from 10AM-2PM!


  1. Sit with someone who is sitting alone.
  2. Pay for the person’s coffee behind you in the Cafe.
  3. Guest pass a friend without a meal plan into the dining hall.
  4. Bake cookies for a friend.
  5. Write a friend a thank you note!
  6. Hold the door open for someone.
  7. Pick up someone’s shift at work.
  8. Smile at a stranger.
  9. Give compliments!
  10. Leave positive notes in public spaces!

Overall, in the famous words of Ellen… Be kind to one another! Have a fantastic day and happy RAK Week!