Move-In Day!

Move-In Day about four years ago I came to Oswego. Being from New York City I wanted to arrive early so my mother, brother, and I left around 5 a.m. That day it was very foggy and cold which later became warm and sunny. It was about a 6-hour ride and arrived at 11 a.m.
As a freshman, I lived in Johnson Hall. I wanted to arrive early because I needed the help of my family to decorate and organize my room. We decorated for about an hour then went out to eat. Came back around 2 p.m. and my resident mentor said at 3 p.m the students had an activity so my family and I said our goodbyes.
The activity was basically icebreakers for the people on our floor to get to know each other. Then we all left because some had meetings to go to also there was a picnic for students at 4:30 p.m. Later that day we were told that there would be a torchlight ceremony. Where we were welcomed by the president of the school and came in with our resident halls.
Lastly, there were fun activities planned for the rest of the night. My suggestion is come early and listen to your resident mentors/advisors because they have many fun activities planned! This is where you will meet your friends and make memories.

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