Her Definition of Thanksgiving

What did Thanksgiving mean to me?

  • Chicken (not turkey)
  • My siblings and I texting the first time since the summer ended
  • Reflecting on what to be thankful for other than the obvious…Christmas
  • Playing Christmas music
  • Eating without regrets, until I stand up and feel the anchor hold

Thanksgiving is a time where we can either be with family or treat others like family.

I was so happy to see many of my friends willing this semester to get out of their regular routine of Thanksgiving (whatever it may be) and look to their neighbors who may be homeless or without specific needs.

This Thanksgiving I stayed back on-campus, and found that Oswego made many efforts to serve the homeless and even those on the college campuses who were without. There was a restaurant that opened itself up throughout the day, just to give free meals on Thanksgiving. There were churches that availed themselves to give those in need, the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, which is to gather like a family.

Did I celebrate Thanksgiving?

Yes! Thankfully, the advisors of the BASIC club, Anthony and Annette DiPierro invited me to their Thanksgiving dinner table. It was amazing! I had never experienced a Thanksgiving like their own.

That Thanksgiving holiday, we met like family, we ate like family, and we told our own stories and experiences like a family. That night, Anthony said something interesting. He said Thanksgiving is not about the food, it’s about the company.

What does Thanksgiving mean to me?

  • Company
  • Chicken (and maybe a lil-bit-a Turkey)

About the Author

Hey I'm Tian (T-ann). It’s fancy like that. I'm a junior here at SUNY Oswego and a Public Relations major and Creative Writing minor. I live in Westchester County, but Oswego is my home away from home.
Email: tburte@oswego.edu
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