It sure has been a while since I have posted a blog entry, but boy, has life been busy. As a graduate student, I am taking three grad classes, and I also have a job as a Desk Attendant in Sheldon Hall, where I am also currently living. I am a Pride Alliance member (thanks to everyone who wore shirts this past Friday!), and I am also on Sheldon’s Hall Council. I am nothing if not occupied. I try to find fun within the mix, but it isn’t always easy; being a graduate student eats a lot of time. It will hopefully be worth it, though. I plan to graduate with my Masters this coming May 2014, and I will hopefully have a place of residence and a decent job lined up.
On an unrelated (although previously hinted at) note, Pride Alliance continues to be really great and productive this year. The events and gatherings have been both fun and informative, and keep in mind that this month is not just noteworthy because of Halloween; it is also Outtober! That means that it celebrates the notion of being proud of your sexual orientation and not being afraid to hide it. It is a great time to encourage those who are afraid to “come out of the closet” to finally do so, and I know that it helped me in the past. I did not come out until I was a freshman here five years ago, and that was, in part, due to the fact that I witnessed overwhelming support on this campus, and that is something of which I am proud.
This Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Campus Center room 133, we will be holding an event titled How’s your Gaydar 2: Meet the Men. It is a follow-up (as the title suggests) to an event that was held last semester; the only difference is that last semester, the panel consisted entirely of women, while this time, it will consist of men (which will include yours truly). The men on the panel will be asked questions such as “What kind of body soap do you use?” Afterwards, the “audience” will take a stab at guessing a sexual orientation for each one of us, and the ideal objective is to break stereotypes apart. I hope to see you there, as it will be a lot of fun, and be sure to check out the Pride Alliance’s website at, and check out the Outtober calendar below.