Now that I’m officially a graduate of SUNY Oswego, I have started to immerse myself into the next chapter of my life. As a soon-to-be graduate student in the Mental Health Counseling program, I realize how critical the next few years of my life are. I’ve also realized how quickly time can go by without even noticing. I really need to do all that I can over the next two to three years, because who know’s when I’ll have the chance to do it all in the future.
Last month when I graduated, I planned on taking some classes this summer to get ahead in my program and eliminate the worry that I wouldn’t graduate with my master’s degree in two years. Now that the summer has started and I realize what it feels like to have somewhat of a break, I am postponing classes until the fall semester and enjoying as much as I can while on break from school. I’ve begun working more (which is counterproductive to having a break, but enjoyable – I’ll get to that later), exploring new avenues of involvement (now that I’m no longer actively engaged with Student Association), begun making plans for new adventures (something I’ll be talking about a lot over the next few months), and reflecting on my life in general (which is something I’ve always done, but now piecing things together). The next few months will include many emotional, physical, and mental challenges, but I know that I will be more than capable of keeping up with them, and with myself.
In the past, my blog entries have consisted of my views of somewhat political and social issues. Although I know that is not what you all want to read (since you can easily read blogs on,, etc.), there may be times when something is very close to my heart, or would have a direct effect on my life (and possibly yours). If I do feel the need to post about a current event or political, social, or financial situation, I will mark those entries as such, that way you will know before diving in that it’s not an entry about me. These entries will include my viewpoint, and will be connected to my life in some way, so they will not be summaries of what is happening, but more reflections and explanations of the impact they will have for me. The way I see it, I’m about to turn 23 years-old, it’s about time I pay attention to what is happening around me and figure out what I can do to turn a negative into a positive, or at least understand why I can’t do anything about it (I’ve always had the attitude that I can change anything I want; five years of college has definitely fixed that mindset). From now on, most of my entries will be directly related to my life and what I’m doing. I already have a lot planned for this coming semester, so I know there will be plenty to write about and plenty for you to read (I guarantee that I’ll keep up with my entries at least bi-weekly (most likely, weekly)).
My next entry will consist of a new introduction of myself, for those of you who have not read in the past, as well as my plans for the summer (and a brief look into my fall semester). I welcome comments and will respond to them as I receive them. I think this could easily become a two-way conversation and I’d love to hear what you have to say. For now, I must begin my day and move onto the next task. It’s time for a few hours of work and then a couple of meetings. Enjoy this summer solstice (use as much of the daylight as you possibly can).