Hello! My name is Sara Meal. Yes, that is my actual last name and I am currently a Nutrition Education intern for the Registered Dietitian on campus, Kathryn Szklany. I am interning for the Fall semester and so far, I love it! I am a senior Health Promotion and Wellness major with a minor in Nutrition. I enjoy learning about nutrition and health in general, and this internship has allowed me to apply the knowledge I’ve gained throughout my years spent at SUNY Oswego.
Some of the organizations I’m involved with on campus include the College/Community Orchestra, VEGA: Junior and Senior Women’s Honor Society, and Phi Kappa Phi. I am also starting my third year working at Pathfinder Dining Hall, and my first year there as a Group Leader. After I graduate this May, I intend to find a job in my field for a year, and then I will pursue a Master’s Degree in Health Administration while still working part time.